The recent global increase in wind turbine orders, which reached a record 155 GW in 2023, underscores the rapidly growing need for renewable energy solutions. Notably, this marked a significant rise from previous years, with both China and Western markets experiencing unprecedented order intakes, which collectively propelled annual investments to an estimated $83 billion​. As the demand for renewable energy continues to soar, JMS Energy has positioned itself as a pivotal player in the wind power sector.

Wind Turbine

How JMS Energy is Equipped to Handle Market Increases in Demand

JMS Energy, with its extensive experience and robust safety culture, is uniquely equipped to tackle the challenges and opportunities this growth presents. The company’s dedication to safety, quality, and relationships has made it a leader in renewables for over three decades, earning a reputation for its solutions-based work ethic and the ability to foresee, adapt, and overcome challenges​.

Global Wind Turbine Increase in 2023

The global landscape of wind energy in 2023 showcased significant developments, especially in offshore wind projects, where the mature pipeline saw record activity despite notable headwinds like supply chain issues and price pressures. These factors contributed to a robust momentum heading into 2024, as governments across the globe strengthened policy frameworks to support the sector​.

U.S. Wind Turbine Market Share and JMS Energy

The U.S. market, a key area for JMS Energy, saw a near doubling of order capacity throughout 2023, highlighting the region’s recovery and growth potential. The increase in onshore wind orders, particularly models rated 7 to 9.9 MW, saw a sevenfold increase year-over-year, reflecting a substantial market shift towards higher capacity turbines​. Source

JMS Energy’s extensive capabilities in wind services are further emphasized by its project management expertise, where every detail is meticulously tracked to keep projects on schedule and within budget. The company’s approach aligns well with the industry’s shift towards larger and more efficient wind turbine projects, which are increasingly vital in meeting the escalating demand for renewable energy​.

As the industry evolves, JMS Energy continues to lead with its seasoned teams and an unwavering commitment to project success. The company’s ability to integrate advanced technology and project management excellence ensures that it not only meets but exceeds the expectations in this dynamic energy landscape.

Looking Ahead with JMS Energy

Looking ahead, the wind power sector’s trajectory is set to rise, with further innovations and expansions on the horizon. JMS Energy is well-prepared to be at the forefront of this evolution, leveraging its deep industry knowledge and commitment to excellence, making every project a success in the burgeoning renewable energy market.

For more details on JMS Energy’s services and their impact on the wind power industry, visit JMS Energy’s Wind Services.

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